Add Google Website Translator to Blogger

Why use any other translate widgets with or without images of country flags when Google translator widget can translate texts of any webpage and is capable of translating to 64 different languages (and increasing) automatically and instantly to readers speaking language.

Google translator for websites can be added to any website or CMS, like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, etc. with ease. While the steps of adding this widget is all same but here I will mainly write about how it can be added to Blogger blogs.

Blogger has this widget, you just need to go to your blog’s Layout tab and click “Add a Gadget” link. A popup page will open, scroll down below and you will find the Google Translate gadget.

Blogger Translate Gadget

But there aren’t much options to select from to customize it, that’s why let’s add it in a different way.

Step 1: First of all you need to have a Google account. If you blog on Blogger then you already have it, all you need to do is sign in and go to Translator sign up page.

Step 2: After clicking “Add to your website now” you will be redirected to Website Info where you have to add your blog’s URL and then select that language that you primarily use to write your articles.

Translate widget settings - Website Info

Step 3: On clicking “Next” you will be redirected to Plugin Settings page where you can change the options for your translate widget.

Translate widget settings
  • Translation languages – Here you can choose to translate your page to specific languages but it’s best to select “All languages”.
  • Display mode – You can choose how you want your widget to be and look like.
  • Advanced – You can find there what are each options for and select it accordingly. “Automatically display translation banner” option is selected by default. It’s very interesting to know that Google translation API can detect the readers speaking language and according to this it will translate the texts of the webpage automatically!
Step 4: After clicking “Get code” button you will be redirected to the page where you will be provided the codes that you have to add to your blog.
Translate widget settings - Get code

So if you are with Blogger then go to Template tab of your blog, click “Edit HTML” button and find </head> snippet. Above this add the Meta tag (see the image above, it’s marked with red tick) and Save your template.

Now to display the Google translator widget you can add the snippets (marked with green tick) anywhere you want within your Blogger template. The best way is by adding a “HTML/JavaScript” Gadget on your sidebar which can be found under the Layout tab > “Add a Gadget” link.

Other Translation Widgets

Google is not the only one to provide this but there is Bing Translator for websites too. Adding it to Blogger is almost the same and easy. But you have to choose which widget you want to have for your blog.

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