How to Add Subscribe Button to Blogger

Add feed icon to bloggerThe RSS subscribe button let your visitors to subscribe and easily add your blog to their favorite RSS services. When visitors like your content and want to read your blog thorough RSS news readers then they will click on the feed button on your blog.

So to add a subscribe button to Blogger, you need to find a big, beautiful RSS icon. Download it and upload it to your image hosting service (Google Picasa is a good option) and get the URL.

Now go to Layout tab and add a "HTML/JavaScript" gadget. Add the following code into it and save it. You can also write something into the gadget to tell your readers to subscribe.

<a href="" title="Subscribe to RSS"><img alt="Subscribe to RSS" src="" /></a>


Change Feed-Address with your feed URL. Generally your post feed URL will be:

But if your feeds are redirected to FeedBurner then URL will be:

Some of you may also want to add comment RSS for which URL will be:

If you want to change the image then find the below URL and change it with your hosted image:
  • example actually will be your blog address such as:

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