Whether to Dofollow or Nofollow

Whether to DoFollowNew bloggers are always in confusion whether to apply dofollow or nofollow for the links on their blogs.

Literally, "dofollow" does not exist. As we all know, it is said to be "Dofollow" when it does not contain the "Nofollow" attribution which tell the search engines not to give any authority to the outbound link.

Both of these have their advantages and disadvantages. Nofollow attribution can be found in the comment area within our Blogger powered blogs (and to new SEO settings). While nofollow helps a blog to get less spam, it also don’t give any credit to useful sites. Here’s where the confusion starts whether to use this rule or not.

Let’s have a look at the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dofollow

A webmaster or a site owner always wants to create backlinks to their sites. The main advantage of Dofollow blogs are that they give free backlinks after commenting. So people love to comment on these blogs. As a result, not only the site’s traffic increases, comments also increase along with the Page Views and conversations.

It also has disadvantages that are frowned upon not only by search engines but also by the authors of the sites too. Spam in comments increases like posting links to spam sites or low quality sites. Search engines don’t like a site which is giving links to spam sites. The quality of the post decreases and as well as the rank.

Advantages and Disadvantages of NoFollow

The advantage of Nofollow attribute is less spam, as only those visitors will come who are interested in your blog and posts. You may get some less but quality visitors. And if they post a comment then it will be relevant to the post.

But there is also one disadvantage to it. You are getting fewer comments. But it will never be a problem.

Whether to apply Dofollow or Nofollow rule

Wordpress have many plugins, one of them is Akismet, which delete most of the spam comments. But Blogger has only rel="nofollow" tags for the comment section. It is best if it stays there. But again, when you are writing a post and want to add a outbound link to other blog or site, try not to use nofollow attribute if you think that the site is worthy enough.

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