Add Follow me on Twitter Icon to Blogger

Follow me on TwitterYou may like to add a “Follow me” button or icon to Blogger to increase the number of followers for your Twitter account. I will give you two types of tutorials. First tutorial is for a normal one and the second is for the fixed and floating button.

Add Twitter Icon to Blogger

1. So the first step is to open an account on Twitter. Choose a good and short username. After the registration, your twitter profile page will be like For example mine is Those who have a twitter account, skip the first step.

2. Go to Layout tab on your blog's dashboard and click on “Add a Gadget” and add an “HTML/JavaScript” gadget.

3. Now add:

<a href='' title='Follow me on Twitter'><img alt='Follow me on Twitter' src='http://twitter--follow-icon.png' /></a>

And Save it.

See the highlighted snippets above. Here is where you can edit your own preferences. For instance, change the USERNAME to yours. You can also add your own icon and buttons by changing the image source (marked in blue) with your uploaded image.

Floating Twitter Icon

Floating Twitter Button

Can you find it floating to the right side of my blog?

<div style='position: fixed; top: 45%; right: 0;'><a href='' title='Follow me on Twitter'><img alt='Follow me on Twitter' src='' /></a></div>

To add floating Twitter button to Blogger, go to Layout tab and add the above code just before </body> tag. Noticed the highlighted code in red? You can change this image, if you wish to, to your uploaded image.

Follow me on Twitter

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